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Project 1. The initiative

The beginning of the project was when Fatec's students started stuydyng Unit 10: "New ideas". Then, in this unit they had the oportunity to learn about Green inciatives and how companies arround the world deal with sustainability.

Project 2. The Visit

Actually, one of the most important words of marketing is Environment, thus, from this concept, companies around the world started using "green initiatives" as: recycling biodegradable materials.

Because of this, some students from FATEC BARUERI visited Metalsinter (an enterprise with "green ideias") and knew that it is possible grow with responsibilities.


With this activity, we found out that the green initiative of Metalsinter can reach all society with its employees. They learn how to take care the environment with sustentainable attitudes in Metalsinter and after they share with their neighbors and families how to take care of the environment too.

Our ​Projects

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